Q4 Business Showcase Challenge Starts Today
Once you have your card, go to the featured storefront businesses and
receive your Business Showcase Challenge stamp on the card. Businesses
may be visited during their regular store hours any day during the
two-week challenge.
The object of the challenge is to receive a minimum of eight stamps from
the businesses listed on the front side of this card. When you have
completed the challenge, bring your card to The Chamber and call
785-628-8201 when you arrive to have a staff member greet you and pick up
your card outside. You can also email a photo of both sides of the card to
hayscc@hayschamber.com. Completed cards are due by Friday, Dec. 18th
at 11:30 a.m. *Your card will be entered into a drawing for two - $100 prizes,
and six - $50 Chamber Cheque prizes provided by our premier sponsors: